

The IoT (Internet of Things) concept is based on the idea that in the near future, all devices will be connected across the network – from home appliances, through office equipment to factory production lines. So each of them can be managed over the Internet.

Almost all new devices that are produced are “smart” and as such are part of IoT – the Internet of Things. Each of them can be tuned and managed remotely, and some devices can be connected to each other and operate in synergy. Today, more and more manufacturers from different industries see the good financial returns from integrating IoT into their business. Improved work efficiency, process optimization and control, and higher security are just some of the options. The public sector can also benefit from IoT technology in a variety of areas.

How will IoT benefit the Public Sector?

The Internet of Things is not a very widely used concept when it comes to the public sector. This is rather surprising because it can benefit the government tremendously and make people prefer their services over the ones provided by the private sector.

Here is where and how Internet of Things can be used in the public sector.

Use the marvel of GPS for travel

GPS is one of the best developments in technology for human beings. If all trains and buses were to be GPS enabled the commuters would be able to get real-time updates of when the bus/train will arrive at a particular stop/station. People can check the time before they leave their homes and so the stations and bus stops would be less crowded.

Improve transport services

IoT not only makes the lives of the commuters easy but can also help the government improve their services. By analyzing all the digital information collected from swipe cards, the frequency of public transportation can be increased or decreased at certain hours of the day.

Manage traffic better

The Internet of Things can help you better manage traffic. Traffic policemen do not need to be physically present to help navigate traffic and avoid congestions. By using GPS tracking devices, traffic can be analyzed in real-time, and the traffic lights can be controlled accordingly.

Take better care of the environment

Taking care of environmental issues is one of the major responsibilities of governments. This is probably why the governments of many countries across the globe are coming up with so many green initiatives, encouraging the people to opt for more environment-friendly choices for their daily needs. IoT can help you keep a tab on the pollution levels in the air and enables you to take the necessary action at the right time. To avoid wastage of water, sensors planted in water pipes can detect leaks in advance and receive immediate attention.

Improve surveillance and security

Apart from dealing with individual level security issues, a government also has to deal with many major security concerns. Computer operated or self-operating drones can help tackle a lot of security problems. Drone surveillance can help detect and neutralize threats before they cause major havoc.

Detect fire accidents before it happens

Having smoke detectors is a good start to reducing the impact of a fire. A smoke alarm warns the people in the house that is on fire, as well as the people in neighboring homes and gives them a chance to save themselves. However, it still takes time for the authorities to arrive and take control of the situation.

The next step in fire safety could be sensors installed in the smoke alarms that are automated to inform the intervention centers. To stay one step ahead, sensors could be installed in gas pipes to detect leaks and potential fire threats. This can help identify the problem before the fire even breaks out.

What does the Public Sector need to do?

Just like the Internet has helped economies develop and flourish, the Internet of Things will do the same.

It will help governments do their jobs in a more efficiently. The public sector needs to embrace this technological development and reap its benefits. Some of the ways in which it can do this have been touched upon in this article but there are many more. IoT is capable of helping the government achieve its goals, including increased economic growth and improvements in environmental sustainability, public safety and security, delivery of their services, and productivity.

The advantages of implementing IoT are:

  • Data from devices can be measured and adjusted
  • Updates and corrective changes can be done immediately
  • The data collected across the various digital platforms can be analyzed and used to improve the services.

The government should now assess where and how it can use Internet of Things in its operations, as well as the role it could play in achieving broader economic and social goals.